
As a true foodie at heart, I am very fortunate to be able to follow my dreams and fulfill my passion in the culinary world. 

Writing about food and travel in various South Florida luxury publications has taken me on a fabulous journeys around the world. As a graduate of the prestigious Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, New York, I also received a bachelors and masters degree from Florida International University’s School of Hospitality Management. For over 25 years, my adventures have taken me from catering to teaching to creating delicious editorials. My kitchen is the heart of my home and is a favorite place for family and friends to gather while making memories. I invite you into my world of food, wine and travel while indulging in some tantalizing treats.  Some of my fondest memories are have been gathered around a table. 
Always remember to live life as if every day is A Culinary Creation…